How am I feeling at 22 weeks?
One question I get most often is "How are you feeling"? Throughout the pregnancy, I've been blessed with a no stress lifestyle. The most tired I felt was for a few weeks in the 1st trimester and early in the 2nd trimester. I was so proud of myself for even making it out to a rave in Montreal for Sonia's birthday where I lasted until 2:30 am. Most nights, I'm still a night owl and stay up till midnight reading and tiring myself out in order to have a deep sleep. Reading the Economist: The Secret to a Good Sleep If anyone wants to know a secret in how to sleep fast --- read the Economist! It's Cam's favorite reading material, but I swear by it. All I do is read about the economy in Germany or articles on the new hobby of chicken farming and I'm out like a light. The stories also don't impact my dreams either - so it's the perfect solution for head dropping sleep. If anyone knows me, it doesn't take much for me to sleep anyhow. I used to fall ...