
Showing posts from April, 2010

Poor baby has eczema

If I had one wish, it would be for a cure for eczema. It's wreaked havoc in my life for 35 years and now it's affecting little Nicholas. This past week, my eczema erupted again on my face and chest. Not only is it painfully itchy, but it exhausts me and leads to many sleepless nights. The nights are now even worse as I often have one feeding to do at about 3 am. Nicholas' eczema is primarily on his neck, legs and we think his scalp. Cam was shocked to see him itch intentionally the other day. He's been scratching his head for the past week, so we're quite sure that he's got some itchiness there. His stools have also been extremely acidic smelling - almost vinegar like and full of mucous. If anyone has any other suggestions, let me know. For now, I'm avoiding dairy and eggs and praying to the skin gods.

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

This week, I've discovered our little guy rolling from back to front a few times. Of course it's during times when I'm doing something other than watching him but it's quite an accomplishment to finally see him more mobile. When he does get onto his front, he ends up letting out a yelp that says - how the hell did I get myself here! He hasn't made it from front to back yet, so that may be the next step.

Nicholas at 4 Months

Nicholas playing with one of his toys - he can now hold and grab things. Nicholas loves staring at this lamp. He's also a pro now at tummy time. Hanging out with his buddy Liam.

Nicholas loves his Jolly Jumper!

My friends Erin & Jay from Kansas sent us a Jolly Jumper when Nicholas was born. I finally brought it out for the first time and he loooves it. It keeps him occupied up to 30 min. I love it too! Thanks Erin & Jay for the fabulous gift!

New Bed for Nicholas

Nicholas has finally graduated to his own crib at 4 months. I've discovered that his electric worm movements during his sleep made him thrash his legs against the bassinet. When you watch it, it almost seems like he'd be able to hop out of the bassinet, so we thought it was time. Since moving him there this week, it's been a lot easier to drop him in to sleep once he dozed off. With the bassinet, the minute we did the transfer from the arms down, he'd know immediately what we were up to. With the crib, he just lies there and passes out without a fight. This morning, we found him with his legs though the end of  the crib and face down. He's quite the mover in bed as we put him down in the middle of the crib and on his back. We're happy that we can now reclaim our room and bed again!