
Showing posts from June, 2010


I can't help but add this to the entry. Now that Nicholas is eating solid foods on a daily basis, his poopies have definitely changed. I can't believe I'm saying that I'll miss those explosions - they were sometimes messy, but they didn't smell bad. With solids in his diet, diaper changes need special handling. He's a squirmy baby too, so I have to make sure he doesn't grab his own poo while I'm changing him. It's a load of fun each time! Cam's comment this morning as he changed his first smelly poopy was... "It looked like he sat on a Mars bar". It made me giggle as I was waiting for him to do a change with the new poops.

He's Crawling!

It's official! Nicholas is now crawling....which means that my days of putting him down on his back for a few moments of rest are over. He's spent the past month on all fours rocking back and forth, and finally last Wed., he made it across the room. My favorite moment is when I put my arms out and he crawls immediately to me with a big smile on his face. Occasionally, he gets distracted by things on his way over, but he will follow me crawling wherever I walk. He's also pulling himself up to a standing position using anything he can find. Even in his little tub, he will try to use the soap holder to stand up. There's no stopping him. He's definitely not interested in sitting anywhere for longer than 2 min. Feeding him in his high chair is a challenge - he just hates to be seated in there for food. Maybe I should start giving him creme brulee or chocolate mousse to entice him to enjoy his seat a bit longer. I spent a few hours this weekend removing things that wo...