It's been over a year and a half since my last entry....sigh. I had every intentions of keeping track of Joshua's development, but the addition of a second boy has meant double the work. You quickly realize how much time you used to have when you have children! Now, there's virtually no time for anything but to survive. Joshy is now 18 months old . When I bring him to school with Nicholas, everyone marvels at how he is a replica of Nicholas. His personality is very different though - he doesn't have the serious nature of Nicholas and he is quite strong willed. He knows what he likes, and doesn't like. He has about 35 words now, so he's moved on from just "dada", which was basically his whole vocabulary at 1 years old. Current favorites: medeo means again; nooooo!; cereal; Johua (pointing at himself), purple, turtle, apple, nai nai, peck peck (after I showed him a woodpecker), elmo (whom he loves). He loves to eat, unlike Nicholas and lately we fi...