
Showing posts from May, 2013

Joshua's Words at 18 Months - April 2013

Joshua words Owl Wow Wowo Mama Dada Yeye Nana Go go All done Elmo Bear Purple Out No Yeah Joshy Apple Cereal Juice Nainai Bao bao Up Fox Mut Mut Hai hai Uh oh Bye bye Turtle

Day with Nana & Yeye - April 2

Yesterday (Tuesday April 2) Nicholas and Joshua came to us for the day. Jean and Nicholas went to playgroup at 9:45 at Industrial Ave; Annik was the animator. Jean says that before circle started (10:45) she told Nicholas that Annik needed his help because the other children didn’t know the songs and he did. In the past Nicholas has been very reluctant to take part in circle time, but this time he sang every song: The more we get together Rolly polly Sleeping bunnies Old Macdonald had a farm 5 little monkeys Head & shoulders, knees and toes. He did all the actions too - the sleeping bunnies lie down, and then get up and hop-hop-hop around, and hand signals for 5-4-3-2-1 little monkeys. Jean was quite thrilled with this, and told him so! When they got home Jean made a milky jelly (strawberry flavour) as a special treat to mark the occasion. Joshua and I had been out for a push-chair walk, but had cut it short because it was...

Day with Nana & Yeye, April 11, 2013

Robert's post on April 11th This morning Cam returned the dentist's registration sheet all filled in, so Nicholas and I got warmly dressed and set out with the push-chair for Alta Vista and Bank St.  The trip there was quite straight-forward, we sang a few songs together but that was all. We parked the push-chair inside on the ground floor and walked up.  The receptionist was quite busy, so we asked for Patti and she came out from a back office.  I gave the envelope to Nicholas to give to Patti, and he passed it to her.  She crouched down to talk to him, but he didn't speak - there were some other clients there, so we didn't stay long; Nicholas said 'bye' and we went downstairs.  We were holding hands, and when we got downstairs Nicholas raced around and around me, turning me round until I was dizzy, and laughing.  Then I got him into the chair again and we started back.  We went via a sidestreet this time, with no traffic....

Surviving with 2 Boys - Joshy, 18 Months & Nicholas, 3 Years, 5 months

It's been over a year and a half since my last entry....sigh. I had every intentions of keeping track of Joshua's development, but the addition of a second boy has meant double the work. You quickly realize how much time you used to have when you have children! Now, there's virtually no time for anything but to survive. Joshy is now 18 months old . When I bring him to school with Nicholas, everyone marvels at how he is a replica of Nicholas. His personality is very different though - he doesn't have the serious nature of Nicholas and he is quite strong willed. He knows what he likes, and doesn't like. He has about 35 words now, so he's moved on from just "dada", which was basically his whole vocabulary at 1 years old. Current favorites: medeo means again; nooooo!; cereal; Johua (pointing at himself), purple, turtle, apple, nai nai, peck peck (after I showed him a woodpecker), elmo (whom he loves). He loves to eat, unlike Nicholas and lately we fi...