
Showing posts from March, 2010

Mr. Grabby

Nicholas is now 15 weeks and weighs in at 13 lb., 14 ounces - close to 14 pounds. His latest thing is grabbing things that are within his reach, which includes my hair and the necklaces that I wear. He hasn't ripped any off my neck yet, but I'm sure that's to come. My ears have been safe so far. It was cool to watch him play with a toy the other day for the first time - going from batting it to actually grabbing it. Of course, what he wants to do it put it in his mouth to suck. He's probably getting sick of sticking his fingers in his mouth, which are constantly wet. I've also had to stock up on more bibs. At first, I wasn't sure if all the bibs were going to get any use, but now that he goes through 3-4 a day, I may need even more.

Post Pregnancy Brain

I think that I've gone from pregnancy brain to suffering from post pregnancy brain. For the third time this month, I've gone out with a new shirt with the tag still on. I don't find out until someone pulls on it to point out that I've totally forgotten to cut them off. Ooops! Since spring is in the air, I've been able to find a few new outfits including a new pair of jeans that in my regular size - wahoo! It felt great to finally wear jeans that don't have the elastic band on it. I loved wearing the stretchy jeans, but I am happy to shed the maternity gear for regular clothing that fits.

I need my sleep

Nicholas has hit his 3 month growth spurt. Great for him, but bad for his parents. His wonderful routine of sleeping through the night is no more. I've been getting up the whole week for night time feedings every two hours. To top it all off, he is wide awake and ready to play at 7 am. The drool is also pouring out like a faucet. I was wondering if I'd get to use all the bibs we had for him. I definitely don't need to worry anymore, as he goes through 3-4 a day now and they're completely soaked! I hope that this coming week means that he'll be back to his normal routine of sleeping through the night - at least until 6 am.

Hand Eating

Today's fascination was his hands - he couldn't stop slurping on his hands today. Over the past month, we have found him examining his hands for up to 5 min., but he was never obsessed with eating them. The teeth must be coming soon because the hands were stuck to his face today.

3 Months - New Milestones

My little baby has reached 3 months! It has been an amazing adventure - the best job I've ever had. I had to finally get some of my photos developed so that I can reflect upon all the great memories we've built so far. I love looking through pictures so that I can remember certain moments as the time seems to be flying by. Here are some of the milestones we've noticed: Giggles I can now get him to giggle if I nuzzle my face on his belly and tickle him at the same time. It's so much fun to hear him laugh out loud. Smiles He loves to smile back when you smile at him. His best smiles are after feedings - no surprise there. He also gives big smiles in the morning time. I loved the smile he gave me last week as soon as he woke up. He usually wakes up before I do, so he likely was thinkig - FINALLY!!! You're awake so that we can play. Standing and Sitting He loves to sit up and stand with our help. I've developed a little exercise where I count to three...

Bottle Feeding is Just Not Working

Cam has been my hero for the past few weeks. He's endured hours upon hours of non stop crying. Nicholas just won't take the bottle. We were beginning to see some success with some feedings, but for the most part, he rejects the bottle attempts made by Cam. The good husband and father he is - he offered to live through the crying on 2 weeks ago when I went out on a Sat. night. I called every hour to see how Nicholas was doing and he did end up taking the bottle with some crying. Since then, he's bee more feisty - at the sight of the bottle, he kicks and screams. Cam can't even put him in the position for bottle feeding without him yelling at the top of his lungs. He even hides his face when Cam comes near him with the bottle. When I take him back after an hour of crying fits, he even smiles and giggles when I look into his eyes. It's amazing how sensitive they are to what they like and dislike at such a young age. This week's bottle feeding trauma reached n...