3 Months - New Milestones

My little baby has reached 3 months! It has been an amazing adventure - the best job I've ever had. I had to finally get some of my photos developed so that I can reflect upon all the great memories we've built so far. I love looking through pictures so that I can remember certain moments as the time seems to be flying by.

Here are some of the milestones we've noticed:

I can now get him to giggle if I nuzzle my face on his belly and tickle him at the same time. It's so much fun to hear him laugh out loud.

He loves to smile back when you smile at him. His best smiles are after feedings - no surprise there. He also gives big smiles in the morning time. I loved the smile he gave me last week as soon as he woke up. He usually wakes up before I do, so he likely was thinkig - FINALLY!!! You're awake so that we can play.

Standing and Sitting
He loves to sit up and stand with our help. I've developed a little exercise where I count to three in Cantonese while holding his hands. When I start - 1,2,3 - he puts his legs in the air so that he can use his abs to sit up. He will then push up using his own legs. To sit down, I say it in Chinese and he will also put his legs up so that his head doesn't slam onto the floor.

Tummy Time
He's now able to push his head up from the floor. He will also use his legs to push his body forward. I guess we can call it the 3 month crawl.

Panting for breast milk
He now has his own gesture for when he wants to eat - he stares at my chest and the drool runs out like a river down his chin. He will also smile while breastfeeding to tell me it feels like heaven.

Recognizes Mommy
He definitely knows who I am. When we go anywhere and he's apart from me, he will look straight at me while others are holding him. He may even fuss if I'm out of sight. 


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