It's Confirmed! Baby Nicholas at 18 weeks

18 Weeks 2 Days
Cam and I went for our 18 week 2 day ultrasound today. The technician asked us what the occasion was, and we told her that we two main goals: find out the sex and ensure that the baby was healthy. It was about 10 minutes along before she pointed out private parts. Our boy wasn't shy! I was convinced it was going to be a girl! I had the Hello Kitty bedroom set all picked out. We were elated to finally have it confirmed and even more happy to hear that the baby is doing well. Its heart is beating at a normal rate and it was quite happy in the womb. Although I'm not showing a lot, the baby has indeed moved up to my belly region. The doctor said that my stomach muscles are holding the baby in at the moment. It was a big day and we're exited to reach more milestones. We're naming the baby Nicholas as the name runs in the Read family.


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