First Blood Test

We had our 9 month check up today at Dr. McConville's and Nicholas now measures 29 1/2 inches (born at 21 inches) and is almost 18 pounds. He keeps hovering over the same weight, so Cam and I are determined to keep shoving more food into his mouth. He never says no to anyting we feed him, so we will just continue with healthy, fatty food.

The doctor ordered a blood test just to be sure his iron was ok. I brought him to the clinic and I felt bad just telling them that the requisition was for the baby. Thank goodness he didn't know what I was up to and I sat him on my knee as the nurses prepared him. They even had a baby sized rubber band to compress his vein. A second nurse held his arm down while I held him tight to me. The nurse pricked him for the blood.....and....not a peep. He didn't feel a thing and only started to squirm when he realized that his arm was being held down. A quick minute later, it was all done - two full vials of blood. I was amazed at how quick and painless it was. I am squirmish for blood tests. For Nicholas, it didn't even faze him.


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