Life Changes at One!

One years old seems like a magical age. In a matter of a week, I have seen Nicholas transform into a little toddler. He's finally back to his old self after a few weeks of teething, that left him feeling needy and uncomfortable. He had a blast at his birthday party - especially opening his presents from friends and family. He did his monkey face every time he saw a new toy. He really hated putting on his birthday hat. We caught some great pics of his reluctance to wearing his birthday gear.

Since turning one, he's been really good at understanding my commands in Cantonese. He doesn't obey them all, but I'm surprised that he understands what I'm asking. In a week, he has learned: "Give that to mom", "go make the monkey dance", "do you want milk?". I also explain all the activities we do in Cantonese in hopes that he will catch on as they get repeated.

He has also been playing more independently with his toys. He walks from room to room and plays randomly with his toys. He used to just cling to the kitchen cupboards, but since I've added some new toys in the kitchen, he's been happily playing with them actively. He also plays with cars and trains now, as opposed to household objects. It's been fun expanding his toy inventory - and he now has a lot more after his birthday.

Let's see what new tricks he'll come up in the next few weeks! I'm not so impressed with the one he started the last two days - throwing his toy cell phone in the toilet!


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