Eating Milestone

We've been spending an amazing week vacationing with 4 kids (Matisse - almost 5, Maya - 15 months, Laeticia - 11 months and Nicholas) at Tremblant. It's incredible how much kids learn from each other.

Prior to this week, Nicholas was eating 1-2 teaspoons at the most at each meal time. This week, he's been observing the others eating 3 times a day sitting in their high chairs. He'd scream and squirm every time I put him into his chair for feedings at home, so I resorted to using the bumbo while surrounding him with toys.

Today, his whole attitude towards food changed completely. He had multiple servings of breast milk and his solid foods included: 1 jar of strained carrots with rice cereal added, 1/4 cup of mashed pear, and a few slices of avocado. I even had to stop on the side of the road while pushing him in his stroller to feed him because he was fussing so much.

I'm excited to give him more delicious food to him tomorrow as his appetite has grown significantly this week.


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