Yeye's Post: February 11, 2014

Feb 12
Jean has just asked me to tell you that Nicholas made valentines for Morah Jan and Morah Jess, and Cameron brought them home yesterday.  As there's no school on Friday they should go to school tomorrow!

2nd item: more wipes please.

On Monday Jean noticed that there was a circle-time on at the Alta Vista Library, 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday.  Joshua and I went and attended and found it interesting.  There was a little girl there who asked her caregiver - Can I go and sit on the potty?  Afterwards I said to the lady - That's very impressive, but she said the little girl just likes to sit there!  Joshua didn't sing, but when the circle-lady invited some children to come up and put a card on the easel (queen of hearts & tarts, knave, king), I gave him a gentle push, and he did it.

When we had walked into the children's area, Joshua had said "Maisie", and I saw that the Maisie Mouse pictures were on the wall.  Coming out of circle time, I went in search of Maisie books while Joshua tried out the puzzle-toys built on the ends of the benches there. The librarian found them for me, and I selected 2 to take out.  Joshua showed an interest in several other books, and I chose 1 of them. It's in French, but I got it out for the pictures of objects that Joshua mostly recognized. Then we went back home; it was an enjoyable 90-minute excursion for both of us!

Arriving at 12:30 on the dot, I collected Nicholas from Morah Jan; she had Nicholas dressed and ready to go. I told her about our excursion yesterday to the money exchange - We had 5,000 Mexican pesos ($400) in a pre-devaluation bank note. The exchange told us it was worth about as much as a bus ticket!  Morah Jan was more shocked than we had been.

Back at home, fed and watered, Nicholas and I got ready to to skating.  We put his skates on there, and then drove to Pleasant Park & Weston, or maybee Western, where there's a park and a skating rink.  I was wearing my overshoes, so I could support Nicholas' arms from the rear while he learned to stand and move about on the ice.  They have an outdoor hockey rink, and then a skating rink right beside it, with a ring that extends right around the hockey rink.  We started on the skating rink and progressed onto the ring.  Sometime I was supporting 1 of Nicholas' arms, and sometimes both, and sometimes I let go.  Of course he fell down, but not too many times.  Then another boy, Mateos, arrived with his mother and his 3=year-old brother.  Mateos was very friendly, and stopped by a dozen times to talk with us and give us advice. We made it around the ring in about 25 minutes, and I suggested perhaps we should go home, but Nicholas was really enjoying himself, so we stayed.  Nicholas wanted to try the hockey rink, but there were 2 young men playing there, so we just went to the gate and looked to see what they were doing. Then we came back and started a second circuit of the ring. When I was holding him up on both sides Nicholas would run in-place very hard, and laugh.  Mateo came along again, and supported Nick on the right with me on the left for a few yards.

Nicholas' only distraction was wanting to scoop up snow to throw; we talked about not throwing it onto the ice. The second circuit took about as long as the first, and then I carried Nicholas to the car. I had talked to Mateo's mum, and she told me about the Minto skating lessons on Lancaster St/Ave, near the museum.  She thought they were the best - I'll go and have a look.

To sum up - we had a super day with the boys. Okay, I'll admit it, they got into a struggle over a ball in our end-of-day game of Kick the Ball (2 balls, identical, but they both wanted THIS ball!)

Looking forward to our next day-care day! - Robert


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