Keeping Cool at 25 Weeks

Cam and I celebrated our anniversary weekend relaxing in the afternoon at Gatineau Park. When we first got there, we wanted to go to O'Brien Beach, but quickly learned that there was a bear loose. I had already swam with sharks in the Bahamas, so we decided that we didn't want to put Nicholas through anymore grief and chose to find a 'bearless' picnic location. We stumbled across this tiny lake that had a nice little sitting area. Despite the friendly mosquitos, we enjoyed a nice afternoon by the lake. Cam even amused himself for a few hours with the local squirrel who really liked our healthy whole grain crackers. Nicholas enjoyed some sun time - I've read that babies at this stage can recognize light, so I figure he mind as well get as much as he can now because it's going to be a long, cold, dark winter!
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