Dealing with H1N1

The reality of H1N1 really hit me this week - up until this week, I thought nothig of it, besides washing my hands more vigorously. In truth, I really never thought that hard about it until I found out that a few people I knew personally were affected by the virus. While they are all recovering, it was quite a scary moment to think how it can actually hit people you know. Cam did some research and I waited a day before I did some more reading of my own. Part of the paranoia was because I spent the day at the office by myself with my own thoughts, so that likely contibuted to some of my anxiety.

In the end, Cam and I decided to get the shot for Nicholas' sake. We heard at a party the night before that another pregnant woman was able to get the shot by going to the clinic half an hour before it closed. I tried on Friday to get a number for the Centennial location, but they gave out their last numbers 2 hours before the clinic opened. I was likely 30 minutes too late. They also weren't screening people and handing the numbers to whoever stood in line. With the knowledge of what worked for the woman I met the night before, Cam and I decided to try her tactic - lucky for us - we got in and out of the clinic in 30 minutes! No questions asked - we were just given the shot.

I'm so happy that I didn't have to stand in the cold and rain again - while it takes 10 days for immunity to begin, at least I know that I've done what I can and I only have 5 more work days left at the office. I'm sure that there are others out there who need to make a decision, but I have to say that it really felt good to just decide and get it over with. The only side effect I have is a sore arm. I now have peace of mind knowing that we've done what we could.


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