Getting Interactive - 9 weeks

Nicholas is becoming more and more interactive. He's now discovering his hand. I found him staring at it in his bouncy chair, studying it like it was a piece of art. It's quite funny to watch because it amuses him for such a long time. He's also taken to slurping on his hand - I don't mind as it keeps him busy for at least 10 min!

He's also becoming more aware of who I am.  I've noticed that when anyone else holds him, he fixes his gaze back on me. He just stares at the moment and doesn't cry. I'm sure that will come later.

His neck is getting stronger and stronger. I put him into Tania's jumperoo and it was so fun watching him stare at the parrot. His feet were dangling, but he was able to hold his head up.

Nicholas in the Jumperoo.
 Nicholas chewing the exersaucer.

Discovering his hands.


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