Needles for Nicholas

This week marks Nicholas' two month milestone, which meant that he was due for his 2 month check-up with Dr. McConville. Robert (Cam's dad) came with me for moral support and boy, did I need it. Nicholas weighs almost 12 pounds now - 11 lb. 14. ounces - to be exact and is 60 cm/23 3/4 inches (he was 21 inches at birth). He's above average for his age in weight and length and he is in good health. His fractured clavicle is healing well and there should be no concerns.

When it came time for his two shots, which are given in the thigh of each leg, I felt for the little guy. Robert held him up vertically and his blanket covered what was going on below. The first needle sent him with a screech and the second one brought me to tears. I think it was the tone of the cry and the way he looked at me that made me tear up. I needed a few minutes to compose myself because it was so emotional for me. The little man cried for a few minutes, and then he was feeling much better. I fed him right after to give him some more comfort. I hate needles myself, so I find it worse watching it.

I know that they're more to come, but I'm glad the first set are done.


  1. aww i can imagine - it's hard for me not to cry when my dogs get needles!


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