Baby Shower with Friends from the Cog
Cam and I were showered with so much fun tonight at a shower that Kirsten & Sue threw for us at Kirsten's new house. It was such a memorable night - surrounded by friends who came to wish us well, made us laugh and were so generous with so many gifts for baby Nicholas! I'm shocked that I didn't leave there going into labor from laughing as Dave kept me giggling the whole night. Cam showed off his bbq skills and cooked some yummy burgers on the grill. Kir did an awesome job with decorating her new place - loove the house!! Mark was fantastic as the baby whisperer, taking good care of little Liam so that Mary could enjoy some catch up time with friends. Cupcakes from Laura and Sue were amaaazing!!! Roberta - those cookies were delicious. Pam and Jason brought their little Livia - but I'm told that we can't formally set Nicholas up with her until she's 25 as there is a formal process that she'll have to go through. The Laura's came out - miss you gals at the office! Barry shared some gifts that were his daughter's favorite - love the bear hat and puppet! Dave - you're a life saver with the diaper genie! Adrienne's gift bag was the best - picked out by Addison and filled with so many goodies! So many wonderful memories - good times had by all! Thank you all for some wonderful memories!
Here are some pics from the evening:

Here are some pics from the evening:
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