Out of Breath & Heightened Emotions

The time is flying by and I am reminded every day by certain changes that the time for the 'birth' is creeping up. In one part of my mind, I'm able to separate the thoughts of excruciating pain from my mind, and on the other side, I'm anxious to meet the little guy. The wonderful part is that he's coming soon and we're pretty much ready for him at this point.

Some noticeable changes in the pregnancy have included the following:

Breathlessness: Wow - who would have thought such a tiny baby could occupy so much real estate in my belly. I feel more breathless, which is expected in the 3rd trimester, more and more each day. I have to breathe deeper just to feel that I got a good breath in, and have to not talk as much - as that causes me to pant a bit more. I find that when I get excited on a topic gets me breathless as well.

Happy as can be: I read a lot about women getting emotional during pregnancy, which has to some extent affected me - especially when I see something heart warming or read something genuine in nature - I often tear up when this happens. I have yet to have a sad or emotional day. It's the exact opposite - I've been happier than normal. There are days that I giggle about the silliest thing - for example - I saw a big big zucchini on Sue's desk a few weeks back and just lost it! It made me laugh out loud. Then there are the times when people just say funny things on the phone - and again - I lose it! Kirsten also makes me laugh at work too.  Must be a natural high to be pregnant.  I also lost it watching American Pie 4 - there was a scene in it where Cam and I were dying laughing....I laughed so hard that I thought I was going to go into labor. I couldn't breathe because my chest was getting so stiff from laughing and I couldnt' hold it together. It was soooo bizarre!! We almost had to turn the movie off because it was so silly. The mere mention of 'Stiffler's' name the next day even sent me into a frenzy. hahah! Hopefully the baby is feeling these good vibes!

Rolling Baby: Not sure about kicking babies, but I believe this guy's a roller. He rolls around a lot and probably does a lot of stretches. Maybe he's just being kind to me in not kicking. I've also noticed that he reacts to my electric toothbrushes - hopefully it's not scaring him too much with the vibrations. He is also quick to point out when I am pushing his head too much at work against my desk.

Only 7 more weeks to go!!!


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