29 Week Ultrasound

It was time to see Nicholas again via ultrasound. I am now a bit past 29 weeks and the belly has emerged. I sometimes forget that I'm pregnant because it really doesn't feel that much different. I've gained 19 pounds so far and 4 pounds away from being as heavy as Cam.

More people are noticing my belly these days, so the bump is here to stay. The ultrasound was scheduled because we guessed that Nicholas was in a transverse position in my belly for the longest time. Since last week, I began feeling his legs at the top of my uterus, which likely meant that he shifted position to head down.

That was finally confirmed at today's ultrasound. He's definitely a boy, so no surprises there. He's now 3 pounds and a bit and just the right size. His heartbeat was normal and all his organs were in tact. He was also visibly practicing his breathing in the womb.

My mom and sister came with me, so it was a great experience to be able to share it with them. At 29 weeks, the baby is so big that it's a bit hard to see on screen what exactly we were looking at, but it was still nice to get some affirmation that he's doing well.

I have to go back for my glucose test tomorrow morning at 7:30 - 2 hours of waiting and 3 blood tests!! Yuck! I am praying that I pass this one.


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