Yoga with Nicholas

Nicholas and I went to our first yoga class together on Saturday at Dovercourt. I used to get up a 9 am for my 9:15 class...but now it's a different story. I needed at least an hour to get the both of us ready. I had no idea what to expect. All I knew was that it would get me out of the house and it was something that I could do with Nicholas, Maria and Liam. I kind of wondered before what it would be like and thought - what happens if he starts to cry or need food during the class? After finishing our first class yesterday, it was definitely an entertaining hour.

There were 5 babies in the class - all various ages. The funniest was Owen who was six months and his new trick was rolling and yelling. He's adorable with big brown eyes and filled with giddyness. His mom put him down on the groound and off he went - rolling, rolling, screeching, rolling.

We started the class and Nicholas was quite good and then he began fussing. I was doing the downward dog and was trying to console him while he was on his back underneath me. Thank goodness our instructor Anne knew the right trick. She took him and talked us through our next moves while she soothed Nicholas on the exercise ball while he gazed into her eyes in a hypnotic stare. It worked like a charm.

It was great to just get out. Anne warned us that it could be hectic in the class due to the unpredictable nature of the babies, but it was a lot of fun still to just get out and do something different. By the end of the class, all the babies required a feeding at some point during the class. I was even able to feed Nicholas while doing some of the moves on my back - more skills that I'm developing. It's also fun to do it with Maria as we're guaranteed to do something together each week. Stretching the body after being pregnant for so long also feels amazing. I am looking forward to the rest of the classes throughout the winter.

Downward Dog with Nicholas


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