Countdown - 6 days till due date

I'm now down to 6 days before our official due date and life still seems quite normal.  My sleep in time now is about 9 am. The other morning ended up being 10 am, which felt extremely nice. Cam will give me a goodbye kiss before he heads to work and most days I'm completely in a catatonic state and dead asleep.

Over the past few weeks, I've been able to meet up with my mom for breakfast at Zellers where they serve a $3.99 breakfast for seniors and a plain egg, toast and ham dish. It's been nice to spend more time with her as the time draws near. She thinks that I should just shake Nicholas out so that he arrives early - not sure how I'm going to do that, but the Chinese have funny ways of saying things.

I also delivered my last Toastmaster's speech tonight for a long while. I compared the childhoods that Nicholas and I will have - on the topic of discipline - he will likely not have to endure any whippings with the 'guy mo so' - translated into English, it's called the 'bird feather duster' that all chinese parents use to whip their kids with. The bamboo end of the feather duster is what they use as the whipping part. I died laughing today when I found some pics of it online:

This feather duster looks a lot bigger than the one my mom used on our butts, but that's what they look like!

I have an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Farrell, so he'll do an assessment to see how far off I will be from laboring. I wouldn't mind another week to myself at this point, but who knows what tomorrow will bring.


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