The Last Stretch - Living a life of leisure...for now

The fabulous November weather has made my time off spectacular. I've been able to enjoy lots of time spent catching up with friends over lunch and coffee. I've tried to be a good wife and have dinner ready for Cam when he gets home from work and even baked a cake last week from scratch! First one from scratch in years! It's been great to sleep in and not feel rushed to get anywhere for a specific time.

Some notable changes over the past few weeks include swelling of my feet and hands. I never thought my feet would grow, but they certainly have - enough so that I love wearing my Nike sandals now. Thank goodness the November weather has been fall like and my toes can withstand the cold air. I'm dying to wear my pair of Carlos Santana gold shoes to Cam's Christmas party next week - they've always been a size too big, so I may just be able to squeeze into them. Why not enjoy a good party before Nicholas arrives!

My left hand in particular feel as though I've got arthritis in the morning. The carpal tunnel I had in my right hand has lessened since I'm not using a mouse daily anymore, but the left hand is definitely sore when I wake up especially.

Stetch marks - yikes. I noticed them this morning at the bottom of my belly. Another pregnancy symptom that I thought I'd get away with, but not a chance. Oh well - I guess that's what we have to endure for the end prize.

I've always know that I have a shopping addiction, but it really has been bad over the past two weeks. I had my first day of not purchasing anything today - thank goodness. It reminds me of my days in Taiwan where shopping was a daily activity. I think we've pretty much got everything we need now for the baby's room at least, including my bag of snacks for the delivery room that includes: 3 dairy milk chocolage bars, packs of Pocky, Perrier, mango juice, chocolate lady fingers, crackers. I already ate the pack of wine gums, so have to refill on those again.

The baby is nicely nestled still - Dr. Farrell thinks he'll be arriving late to the party. I haven't had any signs of labor yet and still feeling great. With each weekly appointment, he's definitely grown and occupying more and more space. He's still a gentle roller in the belly and not a kicker. I'm convinced that he'll have Cam's calm and relaxed temperment - I pray and hope. Cam's very excited for his arrival and to take his time off as well. I keep saying to Cam - pooping, eating, sleeping - I think we can handle that.


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